Size doesn’t define you Marty!

You are Hu-man

18 January 2021

  • My name is Marty and I am a giant. I live in a world full of fantasy, and is not strange meeting someone like me...but the problem I have is that everything is so tiny for me, I have to watch my step, because one wrong step and it can be the end of a whole community
    1/11/21 2:48am
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  • Of course, I didn’t used to be larger than everyone else. I can still remember a time—first grade?—when I was only slightly bigger. Then, one day, I was huge. I still remember the first person to bring it to my attention: Shirley Sheehan. “Why are such a giant?” she asked loudly.
    1/11/21 3:06am
  • What Shirley and I and the rest of my classmates and townsfolk didn’t realize at the time was that I wasn’t a giant. I was a human being, but everyone else in the village were actually elves. We had no idea. I only discovered the truth by chance when a stranger came to town.
    1/13/21 2:46am
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  • The stranger was an actual giant, you see. She saw me waving furiously, trying to prevent her from stepping on my elven neighbors homes. “Oh, so sorry, human! The wee folk are lucky to have you.” She said. “What is Hu-man?” I asked.
    1/13/21 4:02am
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  • "A human," she replied sitting down on a wide grassfield with a shudder equivalent to an earthquake, "is a species of midget that is bigger than the wee folk, a bit taller than the dwarves and hobbits, but infinitely stupider than the average dragon. In other words, your kind."
    1/14/21 7:59am
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  • Fortunately he had a thick skin, metaphorically and literally. He had tried various creams to no avail. Perhaps other “humans” would know a solution, should he ever find one. He thanked his rude informant and hit the road. Clear, supple skin would have to wait another day.
    1/18/21 6:29am
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The End