Night Owls

30 May 2023

  • Jerry glanced down at the photograph in his hand, then back up again at the woman sitting alone at the back of the cafe.
    5/30/23 1:58pm
  • The woman quietly sipped her tea and her eyes glazed over as she let her thoughts wander. This next job was the same as usual; make notes upon the suspect at hand, although it was quite different at the same time as I had met this woman once before.
    5/30/23 2:03pm
  • All at once a blinding light coursed through the space. Jerry and the woman froze. And then a creature appeared, seemingly from the air itself.
    5/30/23 2:03pm
  • It seems as though I had been too preoccupied watching the woman's movements that I forgot about the minions I brought my laser sword out and struck the creature's back then with a flying kick to it's head and one final blow at the neck it was all over. The woman had disappeared
    5/30/23 2:09pm

The End