Blond Comet Jehoshaphat

30 October 2020

  • This is a quick story. Just seconds and everything will happen. Do not close your eyes, don’t even blink cause the story may end and you will never know the end. It starts now with a guy, he is running, going faster and faster
    10/6/20 1:37am
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  • and faster and faster still. Every step he runs move him slightly faster than the step before. He runs further and faster than believed possible as his rate of acceleration accelerates.
    10/6/20 10:13am
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  • By this point he’s running faster that he can see, absentminded leaping over dogs, fire hydrants, and children, the wind turning his shoulder-length hair into a blond comet. He began to imagine the things he could accomplish with this newfound superpower!
    10/9/20 6:18pm
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  • As he sped down the road he tried to imagine some superhero names The Snappy Speeder? Furiously Fast Friend-to-all? None seemed right. Unfortunately this brainstorm distracted him from more pressing matters, like the old man up ahead opening his car door.
    10/25/20 11:35pm
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  • He leaped, shooting dozens of feet into the air, traveling a full city block. ‘Jumpin Jehoshaphat!’ cried a bystander… And that is how Jehoshaphat got his name.” The teacher closed the Newest Testament and turned to the kids huddled under the underpass. “Now, what did we learn?”
    10/30/20 2:15pm
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The End