Pecking Order

15 October 2019

  • Purple feathers rained down around Casey. Some stuck to her shoulders. Others grazed her face and landed at her feet. It was perfectly quiet save the gentle strumming of a nearby harp.
    9/22/19 8:05pm
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  • Piles upon piles of feathers in the princiest shade of purple began to gather in fields. With a twang, the harp turned electric and she began an endless boomerang shimmy for the ages.
    9/23/19 4:58pm
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  • The shimmy lasted hours, all the while the feathers rained down, creating a massive downy surface for all to see. When her dance ended a strange silence filled the air. Then a soft rumbling was heard from afar.
    10/1/19 10:50am
  • A stampede of chickens had been summoned by the strange dance. From whence they came was unclear. However, where they were heading was obvious.
    10/7/19 4:46pm
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  • Each bird gently craned their neck in unison taking in the monumental presence of a familiar yet totally alien statue. If fowl could pray, it would have looked like this.
    10/7/19 8:53pm
  • With a booming sqwak, the statue came to life, commanding the minute attention of every avian creature. “Chirp, in the name of your Lord!”
    10/9/19 2:02am
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  • The creatures began to chirp, first quietly, then loudly. They looked at their avian overlord with fear. "Chhiiirpppp?" asked the smallest bird. The statue responded with a nod, and pointed the creatures toward the nearby town. The time to attack was now.
    10/14/19 9:34pm
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  • The chickens flowed through the streets like storm water, overtaking every pedestrian and car in sight. They say that the victors write history. That day would forever be known as the day that chickens rose to their rightful place in the world.
    10/14/19 11:30pm
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The End