Knock Knock, Who’s There? Banana.

Banana who?

25 January 2021

  • A siren sounded in the distance. Wendy ignored it, deeply involved in reading an article on her phone, but Alex’s entire body went on high alert. The siren grew louder, and he rose slowly, normally, trying not to appear as tense as he was. “Can I get you anything while I’m up?”
    12/23/20 10:54pm
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  • Wendy didn’t know. It was supposed to be a quick way to make money. All he had to do was show up to a mystery address wearing a banana costume and yell BANANAGRANDMA! And then leave. Little did he know she had a heart condition. And a banana allergy.
    12/24/20 12:38am
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  • What had he done? He didn't know CPR and certainly didn't have an epipen. I mean, seriously, who has a banana allergy?! As he cradled the dying grandmother in his arms, she offered one last gasp of wisdom, "Not all green bananas are bitter, not all yellow ones are ripe."
    12/24/20 2:51am
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  • Nana knew bananas, and now that knowledge would die with her. He couldn’t undo what he’d done to the old lady, but he vowed her would carry on her legacy. The next day he enrolled in UBAP, the University of Bananas and Plantains.
    12/24/20 9:23pm
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  • But it didn't exist. He had to shoulder the sponsorship, student loans, teaching, learning, banana sports, banana majors, design of the banana mascot, and so on for the next four years. Many thought he was crazy once he set up the tent with the university name, but he was serious
    12/25/20 8:32am
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  • ly obsessed with bananas and that was that. Sure, he knew the banana jokes would come, but he knew his banana passion and there just wasn't anything that could change it. Dole University was his banana dream, realized. This year, Banana Doctors. Next year: Pineapple Lawyers.
    1/25/21 5:01pm
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The End