Catapulting Between Reality and Fantasy

11 July 2021

  • She has always had a fascination in books.They can range anywhere from romance, fantasy and sci-fi.Her favorite genre would have to be sci-fi.Her soft brunette curls falling out of her simple braid as she flips a page.She glances up to see a cat watching her with it's amber eyes.
    6/15/21 11:07pm
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  • As she watched its eyes seemed to shift in color. Not possible she thought, and went back to her book. A tale of romance set in a dystopian future, her favorite. The cat walked over and curled up in her lap. It looked so peaceful. Then it looked up and very distinctly said
    6/15/21 11:26pm
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  • “Envy me”. The cat smiled as the fire faded. The darkness started to strobe, which made her eyes hurt. She could see visions of a Ferris wheel. It started to spin faster and faster as it went off of the base. She realized that she had forgotten to take her schizophrenia pills.
    6/16/21 1:53am
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  • The cat appeared on her shoulder and whispered in her ear: “you don’t need those silly pills, darling. Now let’s go for a swim!”
    6/20/21 4:00pm
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  • A swim, the cat suggested. At this hour? Was that little tabby serious? I said, “I don’t know where my suit is.”
    7/8/21 11:02am
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  • The cat sighed, "You humans are such prudes," then canonballed into the water. "Oh yeah?" I said. I stripped to my skin & jumped in. "Wow!" I said, feeling the water caress my body. "I never felt so free." The cat looked at me. "I meant you could swim with your clothes on, perv."
    7/8/21 4:06pm
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The End