The High Fructose Fun Tour

24 February 2021

  • I watched the fire burn what was left of the rubble away. My nose filled with smoke, my heart with vengeance I walked to the woods knowing I would find her. I had only gone a few days when I spotted her shivering in a pink & blue matted robe. She was unaware of
    2/15/21 11:15am
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  • my presence there, as her head was pressed firmly between her knees, her shoulders heaving with sobs. I approached quietly and placed a hand on her arm. Her head snapped up as she jumped in surprise, but her fearful expression soon changed to one of relief as she saw it was me.
    2/15/21 7:02pm
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  • "What are you doing? You made your tears all gummy again." I carefully flicked off her tears so they landed into the container I had ready until her clear gummy tears filled it to the brim. The high sugar concentration in the air wasn't helping anyone. "You look so pale, was some
    2/16/21 10:00am
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  • confectionery sugar airborne again? It’s like stage makeup when it gets on your skin. Don’t worry, you’ll like the candy cane forest.
    2/20/21 2:07am
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  • The tour continued into a lush forest of swirly red and white stalks. “Look around you carolers,” boomed the guide. “You tread on hallowed ground. This is where The Kaines first settled and built this magnificent factory. It’s also the scene of the famous sweet troll revolt.”
    2/21/21 7:29pm
  • Images swirled in my head as the tour guide said this. I could only imagine what the day of the sweet troll revolt was like. I imagined trolls perched atop the trees of the Candy Canes forest firing their chocolate arrows. Angry with their employers, they slaughtered them.
    2/22/21 12:40am
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The End