Escape From the Medusa

A dreamy saga from boy to man to dream

29 January 2021

  • "Beautiful, aren't they?" The boy could hear the medusa hiss right next to his ear from behind him as he stared. On the wall opposite to the one he was chained to, he could see rows upon rows of petrified children, all with faces that might have made them celebrities one day.
    1/24/21 6:05am
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  • He didn’t want to end up like them. He knew he had to shut her out completely. Not only a a medusa, but listening to the seductiveness of one is just as deadly. To mentally ignore it was one of the best ways to defeat it.
    1/24/21 1:23pm
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  • He squeezed his eyes shut tight and covered his ears, and then proceeded to scream “LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” at the top of his lungs. But he knew the medusa was still in the room with him; he could see her shadow even behind his eyelids, could sense her presence and even smell
    1/24/21 6:17pm
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  • The medusa seemed perplexed and annoyed by his strategy. As her frustration grew, so did her odor. Unable to block his nose AND ears the man ran from the room as fast as possible, running into various objects on the way, including a giant vat of magical goo.
    1/24/21 10:42pm
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  • It was, in fact, the magical goo that saved him. Climbing out of the vat, he realized that the "goo" part of the magical goo had managed to paste his eyes shut, and clog both his ears & nose. The "magical" part meant he could still see the medusa and his surroundings in his mind.
    1/25/21 4:47pm
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  • Thankfully, the goo had NOT plugged up his mouth. "Bring it on, bitch," he muttered, reaching out with all his senses and gripping his sword tightly.
    1/28/21 3:47pm
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  • To his great shock and dismay, the sword writhed in his grip, and as it released a sharp, angry hiss, he realized that it had inexplicably turned into some manner of serpent. Gasping, he let go in disgust and began to feel around for anything else he could use as a weapon.
    1/28/21 8:27pm
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  • He fell to the ground, one hand grasping around the gritty rock floor the other blindly shielding him as his whole being prepared to be dealt that final, harsh blow. He felt something begin to coil around his ankle, dragging him towards his death when suddenly, without warning
    1/28/21 11:34pm
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  • a rush of cool air and a tinkling was heard. There was a soft blue light and something lifted him up above the melee. “Now, now, play nice” boomed a gentle voice. He was swept away home and dropped gently into his bed.
    1/29/21 1:34am
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The End