Warm Fuzzies

27 November 2019

  • The bathtub was filled with white fluffy bunnies. Well, this is officially the strangest date I’ve ever been on, thought Gloria. There was a knock at the door.
    11/27/19 2:10am
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  • "Be right out!" Gloria shouted. She gently probed the the fluffy ocean with her fingertips searching for what she did not know.
    11/27/19 2:13am
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  • The bunnies made gentle squeaks as she lifted them, revealing a gift box. She picked it up carefully. “To my forever love” said the box. Oy, she thought. When she had read his profile it said he was a romantic, but this was too much, too fast. She opened the box.
    11/27/19 2:23am
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  • Gloria pulled out a necklace with a silver locket. Inside she found two engravings. Despite the fact that they were portraits of rabbits, it was clear they were meant to be Gloria and her suitor. She looked down at the tub of bunnies, wrinkled her nose, and cried tears of joy.
    11/27/19 5:10am

The End