A fiery delusion

23 June 2020

  • Swirls of pinks and purples. It was a sunset to remember. If only she had remembered her camera, she thought regretfully. As she looked up, she saw something small, but fast, dart across the horizon. She had to look twice, it couldn't be...
    4/3/20 4:41am
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  • she saw it coming closer and closer and then the sun ate her the end
    4/8/20 4:59pm
  • Or so she thought. It quickly became clear that it wasn't the end as her spirit sank deeper and deeper into the sun's core, diffusing like chaotic food coloring in a glass of water. Like a Phoenix she awoke, more powerful and still than she could have ever imagined.
    4/8/20 6:09pm
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  • "Whoa. That was weird," she said.
    4/15/20 3:16pm
  • She stepped back with confusion on her face.
    4/24/20 1:54am
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  • And finally, it occurred to her why she’d been so confused. She left her oven on! She ran home and burst through the backdoor to find her kitchen full of smoke. She shut the oven off with a flurry and opened a window. Everything was gonna be okay.
    6/23/20 12:36am
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The End