Murph Got Moves

13 December 2021

  • The bird liked to dance. But Murphy didn't like her more than her sister, everyone knew that. Once he took a ride on the dog's back.
    12/13/21 12:43am
    Inactive QUILL icon1
  • Murph weren't nobody's fool. He might not dance too good, but you needed someone put in their place? Murph was your guy.
    12/13/21 12:45am
    Inactive WREATH icon1
  • I heard he entered a dance contest, only wearing a shirt and tie. No pants. No drawers. Just swing dancing like that. Yeah, Murph couldn't dance, but he sure knew how to put on a show.
    12/13/21 12:49am
    Inactive HEART icon1
  • And what a show it was. Swinging and a swayin' to the records playiin" and the records playing to the swingin' and swayin'.
    12/13/21 12:53am
    Inactive QUILL icon1

The End