Science Friction

14 March 2021

  • It's said there's a fine line between doing what you're told and getting what you want. But it's not a fine line. It's a sheer, icy crevasse. Greed, and curiosity draw many to the edge to steal a glimpse into it's bitter depths and many get too close. Yet some take a running jump
    3/11/21 3:52pm
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  • and clear the divide by several yards. However, unable to stick a landing on the treacherous ice, momentum takes them on and they are lost to the margins - either paralysed rules or never able to take guidance again. To avoid such outcome I advise
    3/13/21 8:54am
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  • wearing cleats. Common sense will save you every time!
    3/14/21 7:33am
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The End