A Forest of Franks

15 June 2019

  • In the end the reports were wrong; the storm had been devastating. There wasn’t a wall standing of Green Lake Elementary. The children were safe but exposed.
    6/12/19 11:02pm
  • After assessing the damage, it was collectively decided that the best thing would be to move on. With nothing but the clothes they arrived at school wearing that morning, the children moved towards the woods.
    6/13/19 3:47am
  • The hot dog eating contest was a bad idea. And as we all know there are no bathrooms in forests. So the children braced themselves and entered the woods.
    6/14/19 11:19am
  • You can tell a lot about a person by how they follow expiration dates. When they bend the rules, when they break them. All it takes is one bad experience to re-calibrate. After tonight there wasn’t a soul at Green Lake who wouldn’t carefully read the packaging of a Hebrew National weiner.
    6/14/19 3:05pm
  • And yet what are hot dogs if not the perfect expression of breaking the rules? All the wrong animals parts from all the wrong places, and yet it works. Perhaps one expired link couldn't hurt after all.
    6/14/19 5:10pm
  • And she gobbled it up in one sitting with just a coat of ketchup. But little did she know Aunt Betsy was right around the corner, waiting for the perfect moment to take her revenge
    6/14/19 10:55pm

The End