Always Pay Your Magic Bill

16 January 2021

  • “Could you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?” Daniel asked. “Umm,” the man in the pointed hat replied. “I think it’s about a mile that way, then on the left.” “Great, thanks!” Daniel said excitedly as he skipped in that direction.
    1/9/21 8:55pm
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  • The wizard watched the small tiger skip off toward Sesame Street before turning on his heel and heading for his own destination: a shop on Elm Street called The Cauldron Connection. He had to see a girl about a spell.
    1/9/21 10:36pm
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  • The wizard couldn’t get that tiger out of his head. Where was it going? What was in its mouth? He said as much to the girl at Cauldron Connection. “Oh, I know what you need,” she said. The girl conferred with her colleague in hushed tones before handing the wizard a suede pouch.
    1/10/21 7:50pm
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  • "Go to a sizable cave, spin a hundred times, then immediately swallow the blue pill in this bag. It'll turn you into a tiger and you'll be able to follow that weird tiger you were so curious about!" Elated, the wizard immediately rushed out of the shop, forgetting to pay his bill
    1/12/21 8:20am
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  • I sighed. Running a magic shop isn’t easy. I added the flighty wizard’s purchases to his tab. I could WizzApp him to remind him to pay, or I could just send him a Spellmo bill. But first I had to rotate the eyes of newt.
    1/13/21 4:11am
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  • His order finally filled, I sent him away. Another satisfied, yet non-paying customer.
    1/14/21 4:10pm
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The End