The Coral Cure

4 February 2021

  • Everyone loved Lora's laugh. It was low, full of humor and light and everything you could want in a sound meant to elicit smiles. It was no wonder, then, that the day Lora stopped laughing was the day the town stopped smiling.
    2/3/21 10:43pm
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  • Of course, no one blamed her for her lack of mirth after what she had been through; they simply thanked their stars that it hadn’t been them. But that laugh of hers was what made their small town such a happy place, and without it, citizens feared they would never feel cheerful
    2/4/21 2:58am
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  • again. Together, they began devising a plan to return the joy and laughter to Lory's heart. She needed to know how special and beloved she truly was.
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  • It was agreed from early on. They couldn't do it through any of the normal methods, such as pampering her, telling her straight, or taking her on some sweet vacation. They needed a whole scheme planned out. Lory needed to know that they were even ready to risk their lives for her
    2/4/21 10:19am
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  • Without coddling her. Lory was many things, but she wasn’t dumb. That’s why they decided to take her on a trip to Grenada to study the local endangered corals there. It was the perfect disguise for the news they would reveal to her, and played to her interests while also
    2/4/21 1:49pm
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  • helping her learn new things. Indeed, Lory learned a lot in Grenada, and not just about corals. When she met Chip, a deep-sea diver, she also learned how to love.
    2/4/21 6:24pm
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The End