The Cricket's Comeback

One heart at a time...

13 December 2021

  • Once upon a time, there was this little girl
    11/16/21 9:08pm
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  • who was very little indeed. So little was she that no one seemed to notice her very existence. Even her mother hadn’t been aware of her pregnancy — the tiny little girl had been born when her parents were fast asleep.
    11/20/21 7:22pm
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  • Now this is a fairy tale, so she was born fully able to walk & talk. She marched her half-inch self right out of bed & into the garden. The light of the moon shone blue over the yard. There she saw a cricket, chirping a sad song. "Hello," said the tiny girl. "What's your name?"
    11/21/21 12:51am
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  • “Why I’m Legther Vandross, little girl! Don’t you recognize me? I used to fill cricket amphitheaters in my day. Now I’m just chirping the blues.”
    11/25/21 4:51pm
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  • She looked at him with disappointment. She’d never seen a has been up close. “Will you play something for me?” she asked, mostly out pity. Monsieur Vandross looked up with a glint in his eye.
    11/27/21 7:06pm
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  • He strummed his most popular tune, but stopped midway. He hated it. It had been popular for so long, he just didn’t want to play it anymore. He stood up, and played something new. Something from his heart. And a new fan was born.
    12/10/21 11:43pm
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The End