Take a closer look

27 September 2019

  • ‚I don’t like purple‘ thinks the art piece to itself as its creator Finn moves the wet brush over the canvas. Besides the disagreement over color, the art piece can’t stand watercolors in the winter, so it dries the color faster than Finn can make use of it.
    8/8/19 3:10am
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  • Finn was tired, so he stepped away from the easel and put the kettle on to boil.
    8/22/19 10:16pm
  • Once the tea had steeped, Finn pulled his kettle out of the campfire and looked over at his sleeping companions. Seems like he would be drinking alone tonight.
    9/10/19 3:08am
  • What Finn didn't know is that he was anything but alone. Had he looked closely, he might have seen the light from the campfire glint off of the pairs of eyes that were now gathering around their campsite. But he simply finished his tea and went to sleep. The fire slowly died out.
    9/10/19 3:19am
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  • Having exhausted their patience, the pack descended on the tent, salivating and snarling. But as the littlest sidestepped the glowing embers, his flank snagged on a branch and ripped clean open. Beneath the hide lay not flesh, but fleece: he was a sheep in wolf's clothing.
    9/13/19 2:12am
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The End