Today I wool beeee freee: Part II

By lamb or by sea

22 December 2020

This story is a sequel

The attacker, reeling in agony, twisted away from fetal position to a more comfortable downward facing dog and exclaimed, "I know your one weakness is bikram yoga, so it's about to get hot in here!"
@ 12/12 3:28pm
  • At that moment I realized just how hot I had become. Why, oh why didn't I let them shear me? My fleece, so often the protective barrier between my delicate body and the cruel world, was now my wooly prison. I looked at my attacker, sweat pooling under my eyes, and made my move.
    12/13/20 6:11am
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  • I swung my hooves hitting some soft part (I didn't care to turn around) before dashing away once more, trying to find a release from my agony until- Water! The cool stream dazzled my eyes as I dove toward it. A daring escape from being steamed by my wooly coat! Just then,
    12/13/20 9:27am
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  • a school of salmon came swimming upstream. “Come on you crazy wooly fish! Follow us! There’s a big party at the end of our swim!” I flailed at the water, following as fast as I could. But there was one problem:
    12/17/20 2:57am
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  • Freshwater sharks! A whole lot of them. They came snapping, thrashing, splashing at us. Dozens of poor salmon met their end in the murky, blood-stained waters. I was not a salmon, though, and I remembered my grandma's dying words: "If you ever meet a shark, punch it in the nose."
    12/17/20 12:19pm
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  • So I punched them hard. Hoof to nose, but suddenly I started going down in the waters, my wool was like a sponge. But this wasn’t supposed how I meet my end, so I waited until I was near the floor of my drowning pool of doom and with all my strength I pushed myself up like a fish
    12/21/20 4:20am
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  • The momentum was spectacular, surprising even me. I leap out of the pool, water flying everywhere and like a cat (little known fact, my mother’s mother was a quarter cat), I landed on my legs. I hit the ground running and was free at last!
    12/22/20 8:13pm
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The End