Chicken Pot Why?: Return of the Phone Story Idiot

How long has he been inactive for?!

8 December 2023

  • Your head keeps aching, you’re 28 and an estranged lover who has had his drinks spiked and has been stabbed with EpiPens (both times at the movie theater!), personally attacked by your phone, a- Wait! Wait! No, no, no! You’re a writer who writes dumb phone stories on the internet
    12/5/23 12:39am
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  • He chuckled, and pressed Send. “Let’s see them try to make sense of that!”, he said to himself. But he was not alone. A crow was sitting on his windowsill, and answered back “No sense! Nonsense!” He jumped out of his chair and tried to shoo the black bird away, but
    12/5/23 4:12am
    Inactive HEART icon1
  • it would not budge. "You can't get rid of me," the crow said. "I'm your conscience." "And I," said another voice at the door, "am your optimism." A penguin entered. "Is my personality made of only birds?" the man asked. "Yes," said the crow, "here comes your humor!" At the window
    12/5/23 2:39pm
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  • a chicken walked in, some of its feathers missing, head cocked to the side, and said, "you guys are gonna love this." The penguin and crow looked up, exasperated. "What?!" they asked in unison. Just then, two huge, steaming chicken pot pies hit them both in the face.
    12/7/23 10:21pm
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The End