Human Curiosities for Display!

Made in collaboration with felines

25 December 2020

  • "Oh, you're awake again." The boy let out shuddering breaths. This couldn't be happening. It could nev- "It's all real, you know. Everyone thought the same as you when they first came." The tiny girl whispered through the bars of his cage, eerily giggling intermittently. "You're
    11/15/20 2:14pm
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  • in an alien circus ship. They catch us, train us, then put us to work doing tricks. I’m getting quite good at balancing a ball on my nose.
    11/15/20 2:25pm
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  • I look up at the crude tallies etched into the ceiling. It must be 200 days since I was kidnapped by those intergalactic entertainers. Tomorrow, like so many days before, I will put on a brave face, walk onto that stage, and try my best to earn my freedom.
    11/17/20 10:36pm
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  • The theme was Tap Dancing with alien kitties! I needed to nail this. After practicing the steps in my intergalactic jail this was it, I knew it! I went to the stage and the music started, 1,2,3, twirl and let the kitties do their thing. But the smallest one went through my feet
    11/23/20 3:20pm
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  • the chubby one jumped gracefully into my hand, then flipped backwards on to my head. The rest formed a conga line and proceeded to pull in audience members one-by-one. When the song ended the crowd broke into loud cheers. But would it be enough to win the award?
    11/29/20 6:33am
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  • The music ended. I looked at the judges. They wore cold, sober faces. "Chubby" on my head whispered, "Lord, if we get all 10s, I promise to become a nun." I thought that was extreme, but we'd soon see if the promise was worth it. One by one the judges revealed their evaluations.
    12/2/20 12:50pm
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  • The placards flipped up one by one: 10, 10, 10, and one lone 9. I heaved a sigh of relief, and Chubby laughed. “I guess I don’t have to hotfoot it to the convent,” Chubby whispered. “No, but that was enough to win,” I said, grinning. Someone thrust roses at me, and I beamed.
    12/23/20 6:51pm
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The End