Night Owls

6 February 2021

  • Jerry glanced down at the photograph in his hand, then back up again at the woman sitting alone at the back of the cafe.
    2/6/21 8:24pm
  • In person she was even more stunning then he had though possible, but she had to die.
    2/6/21 9:04pm
  • All at once a blinding light coursed through the space. Jerry and the woman froze. And then a creature appeared, seemingly from the air itself.
    2/6/21 9:04pm
    Inactive WREATH icon1
  • "This is a begining.", it echoed inside them both, "Three. Hunger drives each one forward to it's end.". Fingers of light suddenly gripped them both drawing them to the creature. Jerry and the woman felt each nerve ending burn until only the creature remained. "One.".
    2/6/21 9:41pm

The End