Mafia Cats

13 January 2021

  • His wingspan was similar to that of a small single engine plane as he soared over Center City. He came to land atop City Hall, the tip of his wing almost brushing against the face of the William Penn statue.
    1/1/21 10:31pm
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  • Philadelphia had suffered in silence long enough. Rights will be wronged, now that Gritty has taken flight!
    1/1/21 10:46pm
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  • The huge cat-like blimp hovered over the city of brotherly love with a Cheshire-like grin. It went almost unnoticed until it reached the headquarters of the Grumbleham crime family. Once it reached the sharp office spire ropes dropped from each cat paw.
    1/2/21 3:44am
  • Six humanoid cats descended from the ropes and fell upon the roof, whereupon they immediately took a moment to groom themselves before flinging open the roof access door and springing down the stairs on all fours. The Grumbleham crime family would pay for what they did, and now
    1/2/21 4:51pm
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  • the operation began. The cats dodged and swiped all the laser and cutting-edge technology that hindered their paws, finally making it down to the Grumbleham's prized wine collection, assembled by the blood of the victims of their heinous crimes. There, the head cat of the sextet
    1/3/21 11:34am
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  • inflated a large plastic tub and loaded it up. They activated their watches and soon a loud rumbling noise was heard. The ceiling crumbled as another cat suspended from a rope held out its paw and pulled them all, and the wine, to safety. Meowssion accomplished.
    1/13/21 2:12am
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The End