Becoming One

28 February 2021

  • He looked at the night sky and imagined other worlds. Alternative universes where he was happier, wealthier and maybe a couple of inches taller.
    2/24/21 7:00pm
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  • He made a little money as a psychic. He saw a little of the future, a little of the past, but mostly he reassured lonely old ladies about the present. But increasingly the lives he saw weren’t the lives of his clients. At least not, this reality’s version of his clients.
    2/24/21 7:50pm
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  • Somehow, alternate timelines and realities had begun to collide, making it difficult for him to give accurate fortunes. As such, his business took a huge hit as his Yelp reviews became very negative with only one-star ratings. There was no way he could make anyone understand why
    2/24/21 9:26pm
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  • all his predictions turned out to the very opposite if not completely unrelated to their futures. They just didn't understand quantum mechanics, wormholes, and the law of continuity and that sort of stuff. He needed the perfect the Green brothers! He started dial
    2/25/21 10:39am
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  • ... suddenly a swirl of curves and particles filled his vision, neon white on a deep blue background, filigree and curlicue danced around each other in a neverending pattern of harmonic tessellation as he fell forward into and through this subatomic, abstracted space.
    2/26/21 11:02am
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  • His heart beat fast and hard through the cacophony until it became the only sound he could hear. He had become one with the tessellation. He no longer knew where he ended and it began. The tessellation was him, he was it, and it was everything.
    2/26/21 7:59pm
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The End