4 February 2021

  • The gentle hum of the blowing fan in the corner, the slither of sunlight strewn across the room and settled on the tired, angelic and hopeful face before me. Powerless to do anything, holding her hands, I smiled, starring at the palm lines, in a daze, "Will I still remember?"
    2/4/21 1:42am
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  • Looking into her eyes, seeing her soft gentle smile, her long flowing hair, the smell of lavender. She is about to whisper something when there's a flash of light and then....it's dark and i'm suddenly cold
    2/4/21 2:16am
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  • I cry out for her, but there is no response, just the reverberation of my own voice back at me. I shudder and feel around in the dark. Am I still in the same place, or have I been transported elsewhere? With no visual stimuli, I have to rely only on my senses of touch and sound.
    2/4/21 2:53am
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  • As I strained my senses, I became aware of the distant dripping of water. I turned my head slowly, trying to fix on the correct direction to follow the sound.
    2/4/21 4:42am
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  • I started walking toward it, but immediately I stopped again. The dripping sound switched places, coming from directly behind me. What was this place? A weird cave that has a spring that switches direction every few minutes or so? How was I supposed to get out? I turned once more
    2/4/21 10:25am
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  • and shrieked. A bat was hanging from the cave’s ceiling not a foot in front of me. “Hello, human,” the bat said. No - bats couldn’t speak. I blinked, and sunlight streamed through a nearby window onto my bed. What a strange dream...
    2/4/21 5:25pm
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The End