
6 April 2021

  • I'd lost him, he was mine, I....needed him, I caused this to him,I just wanted... I just wanted to stop him before- I just-I Hate- I can't be anything to him now since hes dead, I just- I wish he was still with me.
    3/23/21 4:22pm
  • "I understand", she said. "We've all lost people this year. It has been devastating." She placed one hand on your shoulder. "The best we can do is carry on and persevere in our work, knowing that we are doing the important thing. We are helping to make billionaires richer."
    3/24/21 11:28am
  • At the mention of the word “billionaire,” my mouth began to water uncontrollably. I scrambled to hide it before she could see. If she discovered my taste for the flesh of the rich, my entire mission would be compromised. I moved my entire arm across my face, pretending to wipe
    3/24/21 8:28pm
    Inactive LAUGH icon1
  • the detritus of grief from my countenance. I was extraordinarily lucky to have stumbled on a likely local so soon. If I wormed my way into her good graces she might become a valuable source of intelligence on my Croesus quarry, my plutocrat prey. Oh, I could scarce keep my hands
    3/26/21 10:54pm
  • still at my sides. A nervous thrill ran through me as I approached the unknown other, hoping to turn a stranger into a friend. Or, at least, an ally.
    4/4/21 6:27pm
  • I could not do it, we will remain strangers, as we always have been, and that will never change whatever I do...
    4/5/21 3:10pm

The End