Slacking Off

20 January 2022

  • It was still dark out when I got to the lab. I was looking forward to some alone time before the place filled up. I’d just found my flow when Brooks—who’s never early, and never social—walked in and chatted me up. Curiously, his voice sounded strikingly different.
    1/14/22 3:42pm
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  • "Brooks," I said. "You sound different... Are you feeling OK?" Brooks' eyes widened as he stared back at me. Something was wrong...
    1/14/22 10:33pm
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  • Brooks dashed to his bathroom. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't believe his eyes.
    1/18/22 3:36pm
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  • He saw nothing. There was no reflection in the mirror. What did this mean? Had he become invisible? Was he even still alive?
    1/19/22 6:02pm
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  • He realized...oh no!...he had been absorbed into SLACK! His only way to express himself now was limited to text, emojis, and the rare huddle. His work life balance would forever be work only. Could he ever get out? @here @channel is anyone out there? Help!
    1/19/22 8:16pm
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The End