Oliver’s organ

19 October 2023

  • Once upon a time in 2023, there was a cute and friendly young 30-year-old man named Oliver. He wears overalls every day as casual wear, seeing them as more than just "farmer's" or "worker's" clothes.
    GM S9/21/23 8:00pm
  • Oliver is learning to play the trombone and likes the way it sounds when he sits inside his dad's greenhouse.
    Chrissie avatarChrissie9/22/23 9:01pm
  • BA
    He is just playing the refrain of one of his favorite practice songs when he hears a loud noise outside.
    Byline Author9/24/23 10:31am
  • Carefully putting his instrument down, he walks over to the window, to see a truck dropping a church organ right in front of his house.
    Eva . avatarEva .9/24/23 3:18pm
  • He starts to human beat box as he fetches his hand truck. Time to fill his home with the mightiest sound possible.
    Sean K avatarSean K10/17/23 3:20am

The End