Corny Beefed Up Hashed Cop Story

5 January 2021

  • Officer Niles stood at the end of the alley which was dark, save for a dim yellow light near a side door of an old building. But that light gave just enough for her to see the silhouette of a body of to the side slumped over. Shining her flashlight into the alley, she walked
    1/4/21 11:22pm
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  • towards the body. It could be a street person who found a quiet place to sleep, it could be a drunk passed out in the alley. However, her years on the force gave her a sense that this was something worse.
    1/5/21 12:48am
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  • And yet, despite the fact that she was off duty, she knelt by the shapeless lump and pulled back the top cloth before gasping. Behind the damp exterior were three partially concealed skulls buried in what looked like a mountain of uncooked corned beef hash. Just like her dream.
    1/5/21 1:41am

The End