Standard process

29 April 2020

  • “Where to?” asked the driver. He had finished putting her bag in the trunk and was clearly anxious to leave. She hesitated to answer looking back at her apartment. “The Farm” she finally answered. With a huff the driver took off. The Farm was notorious, but not for its produce.
    8/14/19 1:23pm
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  • It was night before they arrived. The barn was just as she pictured it: alone in a field, light pouring from every window. From the car she could hear the bickering dwarves are known for.
    8/14/19 6:27pm
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  • She poked her husband playfully in the ribs and said “what a surprise, your family is bickering again!” He sighed and said, “darling I love you, but I wouldn’t expect an elf to recognize a fun game of dwarven charades.”
    8/16/19 2:59am
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  • but then a dragon burst out and ate them both then they had to live in their stomach forever the end.
    4/8/20 4:58pm
  • Until the dragon pooped them out into raw organic matter, decomposing on the side of the road.
    4/29/20 1:30pm
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  • The road eventually began disintegrated in the spot where the matter hit, the dragon's bowel fluids proving far too acidic. Through the hole in the road, a portal to a light-filled dimension slowly revealed itself. Music sprang forth and a warm glow encapsulated the world.
    4/29/20 3:33pm
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The End