Smog’s Fog and Sog

(Formerly Chuck’s)

17 April 2023

  • There is a jazzy looking man who lives alone in his mansion. He has 3 dogs and 3 hogs in his backyard. In his free time, he tends to a large ranch and has lots of farm animals to care for. He does not have much of a life outside of working on the farm, but he is dedicated.
    4/8/23 5:26am
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  • He took a look at his hogs and his dogs and he said "I'm getting kind of tired of these hogs and dogs, I don't like them anymore Smog and Rog. I do not like Hogs and Dogs or the fogs of pogs that they leave behind."
    4/8/23 5:28am
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  • As the man lamented the hogs & dogs that he did not like having to Smog & Rog, the fogs of pogs that the hogs & dogs left behind blew up & destroyed his house. Smog & Rog laughed at him, stole his money, & ran off into the swamp. The man cursed all things that rhymed with "pog."
    4/8/23 12:31pm
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  • “A loyal Dog”, “A Wet Log”, “ An Unfazed Frog”, you named it, he cursed them all no matter what. “I’m gonna get you two someday”
    4/13/23 11:23am
  • One day a man was out for a jog, when he came across a little red hog. The creature did lead him into the fog in which a brown witch turned him into a frog.
    4/15/23 2:55am

The End