Karaoke of Hell!

The Power of Metal!

23 April 2022

  • I stood up, microphone in hand! The song was selected and the countdown begin...I was ready to loose myself in that karaoke bar! But just when I was prepared to start showing my talent
    5/30/21 10:58pm
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  • some wicked feedback started on PA system. No matter where I stood, the mic caused squeals and roars of sound. I decided to Hendrix it.
    5/31/21 2:09pm
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  • I whispered, then yelled, then sang operatically, and as I did, a mighty swell of feedback went from harsh and dissonant to melodic and sweet, to shockingly beautiful and transcendent. In the front row, a 15 year old boy cried a single tear and hugged his best friend before
    7/3/21 7:23pm
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  • A sound of gunshots were heard everywhere, and billions of people dropped dead. As I slowly finished my song, people in black denim jackets and chokers with Mohawks checked all the victims to make sure they had screamed their last scream. The guitarist played his last riftso loud
    7/10/21 3:44pm
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  • the very foundation of the earth trembled until it cracked, & the earth's crust crumbled like a stepped-on corn flake. The world was a smoking mass of dust & flame. There was nothing left to hear the guitarist's solo. Surveying the desolation, the musician collapsed & whispered,
    8/4/21 10:03pm
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  • “Now that's what I call heavy metal.” He surveyed the smoldering landscape and knew life would never be the same.
    4/23/22 5:19am
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The End