Bon appétit mon cher reptile

7 December 2020

  • My name is Wendyloopylyn Catrinalucious the Third. I was named after my grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle and neighbor’s dog. My story is a little weird, everything happened on a typical Monday morning, I was on the kitchen table eating my favorite breakfast,
    12/2/20 3:11am
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  • cacti spines dipped in the honey of the Lackadaisical Hornet paired with the best black milk that fish can produce. I was looking down over my father's business empire (who else do you think can afford that sort of breakfast?) when some one used the archaic knock. They could have
    12/2/20 11:40am
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  • said anything and it would have felt like a vulgar intrusion on this most decadent meal. “How dare you interrupt,” I said, wiping the fish milk from my mouth. “What could be so important?” The terrified bellhop backpedaled slowly at first, before spinning around and running away.
    12/2/20 9:50pm
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  • “And don’t you come back without the anise ravioli deep-fried, as I ordered it!” I shouted to the bellhop as he scurried away. “What do you have to do to get good service?” I said to my dining companions, “Invade a planet?” The table erupted with reptilian guffaws.
    12/5/20 5:14pm
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  • When the ravioli arrived it was clearly microwaved and not fried. The bellhop placed it on the table nonchalantly. Not wanting to appear weak to my reptilian cohorts I stood up (not an intimidating presence at 8 inches tall), threw the plate to the ground and ordered a redo.
    12/5/20 7:49pm
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  • My pasta-dumping fury charmed them. The scaly beasts lifted me up, careful not to snap my tiny bones in their claws. "Yess!" they hissed. "You sshall be our new sspokesperssson!" I was given a mic & mission. Down w/ mammals! Viva la reptiles! Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
    12/7/20 1:35pm
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The End