Night Owls

1 December 2021

  • Jerry glanced down at the photograph in his hand, then back up again at the woman sitting alone at the back of the cafe.
    12/1/21 4:23am
  • He confirmed she was his target, then got to work setting up his rifle and scope - he wouldn't let another one go.
    12/1/21 4:27am
  • All at once a blinding light coursed through the space. Jerry and the woman froze. And then a creature appeared, seemingly from the air itself.
    12/1/21 4:27am
  • "Excuse me," the creature said. "I don't mean to interrupt, but do you have a moment to talk about Vy'raestus, our Lord and Savior of the Stars?"
    12/1/21 4:32am

The End