In A Purple Haze at the Edge of Space: Part III

Where Even Thoughts Cannot Escape

16 April 2021

This story is a sequel

But soon it became clear I would not suffocate. My new DNA had already provided for me—I took my first natural breaths in space. Drunk with power I tore back into the vessel and growled at my captors, baring my new fangs. Ironic that their first creation would be their undoing.
@ 3/24 6:46pm
  • There’s no way I’m letting some Worms take me out that easy. I paid 10 grains for the emergency DNA mods back in Milky Way and nearly that for my Hendrix album. Both thanks to these Wormhole pirates. But it looks like the Worms robbed the wrong shipper if he hired me to collect.
    4/2/21 9:45pm
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  • Not sure how but I could see the contours of the worms through the walls and ceiling, almost as if I could perceive their heat. I raced to the most room crowded room and tore the door off. Almost immediately, I lunged at the parasites, confident they would pay for their crimes.
    4/2/21 9:50pm
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  • I drew my hypersonic cutlass and flicked it to eleven. I was the prophet-the chosen of my people to avenge us against these helminth invaders. “Prepare to face whatever hell you spawned from again!” A tendril tipped in a circle of slavering teeth whipped out towards my face and I
    4/2/21 10:26pm
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  • startled, taking an instinctive step backward. Inwardly, I cursed myself for the show of cowardice.
    4/4/21 10:56am
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  • Outwardly, I said “I *am* a coward and I surrender myself to you pirates to do with how you please.”
    4/5/21 8:54pm
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  • It was done. As pirates closed in I felt a warm pleasant feeling. Not a bad way to go, I thought. I woke up hours later in my bed with my cat on my face. Had it all been a dream? I walked to the bathroom, touched my face and froze. Two sharp fangs emerged from my jaw.
    4/16/21 1:42am
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The End